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Online gaming has become a global phenomenon, with millions of players logging in each day t


Online gaming has become a global phenomenon, with millions of players logging in each day to play various games. Some of the most popular online games in the world are MOBAs (multiplayer online battle arenas) like Dota 2 and League of Legends. These games are not only popular among casual gamers but also have a growing esports scene. Esports has become a billion-dollar industry, and popular games like League of Legends have tournaments that offer millions of dollars in prize money.

As with any industry, there are always concerns about fairness and transparency. To address these concerns, League of Legends has introduced a new lottery system that aims to provide a fair and transparent selection process for players.

What is the new lottery system?

The new lottery system, called "Captain's Draft," will be used for the upcoming League of Legends World Championship. The system works by randomly selecting a team captain from each team, who will then take turns picking players for their team. This process continues until all players have been selected by a team.

Once all the teams have been selected, players will then be randomly assigned to a team. This is done to ensure that each team has an equal chance of winning, regardless of the skill level of their players. The lottery system will also be used for selecting teams for the upcoming League of Legends All-Star event, providing an equal opportunity for all players to participate.

Why was the new system introduced?

The new lottery system was introduced to address concerns about fairness and transparency in the selection process for esports events. In the past, teams were either formed by players who already knew each other or by teams that had a large following. This meant that new players or players who were not part of a popular team had little chance of being selected for an esports event.

The new system aims to change this by randomly selecting team captains and players, providing an equal opportunity for all players to be part of an esports event. The system also ensures that all teams have an equal chance of winning, regardless of the skill level of their players.

What are the benefits of the new system?

The new system has several benefits for players, teams, and esports fans. For players, the new system ensures that all players have an equal chance of being selected for an esports event, regardless of their skill level or popularity. This means that new players or players from less popular teams have a better chance of being selected for an esports event, giving them an opportunity to showcase their skills to a wider audience.

For teams, the new system ensures that all teams have an equal chance of winning, regardless of the skill level of their players. This can result in more competitive and exciting matches, as teams of varying skill levels compete against each other.

For esports fans, the new system provides a more transparent and fair selection process, ensuring that the best teams and players are selected for esports events. This can result in a more exciting and enjoyable viewing experience for fans, as they know that the selection process was fair and unbiased.


The new lottery system introduced by League of Legends is a positive step towards creating a fair and transparent esports industry. By providing an equal opportunity for all players to be part of an esports event, the system ensures that the best players and teams are selected based on skill and performance rather than popularity or personal connections. This can result in a more competitive and exciting esports industry, benefiting players, teams, and fans.